Reminder: Bayard Rustin LGBT Political Club meeting set for tonight 1/15/14
We're meeting in Napa, 7-9 pm at Slack Art Collective, 964 Pearl St.. The entrance into Slack is a bit tricky to find. It is in the back through the parking lot, sorta around the corner, off the side street.This is FREE!! Bring friends.
Attached is a letter Assembly woman Susan Bonilla issued today concerning the discriminatory prosecution of a transgender student in Hercules. Find a moment to send her a thank you for stepping up and speaking out against this injustice. HERE
Meeting Agenda HERE
DOJ Drops Romero Case
A letter just released by the Criminal Section of the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice indicates that the DOJ will not be continuing with any investigation of the killing of Mario Romero, and the shooting of Joseph Johnson by Vallejo police on September 2, 2012.
The letter, addressed to Solano County District Attorney Donald duBain states that, "After careful consideration, we concluded that the evidence does not establish a prosecutable violation of the federal criminal civil rights statutes."
Read the full letter HERE
Analysis of 2012
public employee
salary database
By Robert Schussel, Ph.D
To provide a detailed analysis of selected cities in the 2012 California Public Employee salary database to determine average wage of City of Vallejo employees compared to other city employees in the state.
Each year the California State Controller’s Office conducts an employee salary survey of local and state entities. By aggregating the data, wage comparisons across the 479 cities in the database can be made.
For many years the Vallejo City Employee Unions have claimed that their members were not well paid or just average in pay.
Click HERE for the rest of this article...
Vallejo Employees STILL Rank Near
in Wages for State According to Comptroller
By Marc Garman
According to figures released by California State Comptroller, Vallejo employees are ranked as having the fifth highest wages in the state based on 2012 figures. Employees of our humble City, with it's history of bankruptcy and blue collar roots beat out swanky high end communities such as Hillsborough, Los Gatos and Tiburon as well as our big neighbor San Francisco for wages. In fact, the first city in Solano County to appear on the list is Vacaville on page 5 followed by Fairfield on page 14. At first blush, the ratio of employees per resident seems to indicate what we pretty much have known: We are understaffed, but we pay a lot for the few.
The doctrine of “Cut the staff as much as you want, we wanna be paid.” has clearly been an effective tool. LINK
The ranking of the top 5 highest employee wage cities in California is as follows:
Sand City
Los Angeles
Scandal riddled Vernon with a population of 121 residents and Sand City with 338 residents are outliers with little impact overall due to their extremely small size.
See the data on the Comptroller's website HERE
See the breakdown for Vallejo HERE
JumpStart Faithful Booted from
Power in Local Democratic Club
By Marc Garman and United Democrats of Southern Solano County Press Release
It would seem that the divisive SLASH AND BURN tactics employed by Jon Riley, leader of the JumpStart Vallejo movement that supported councilmembers Dew, Malgapo, Verder-Aliga and "also ran" Tony Summers is seeing the first wave of BLOWBACK as last night's take-over of the United Democrats of Southern Solano County made clear. Notably, Rick Grant who ran the PAC that opposed the JumpStart campaign with television ads was elected president of the club. Other officers include Miguel Castillo, David Crumrine, Paula Bauer and Anthony Pearsall. Former club President Jonathan Gordon, a strong supporter of Anthony Summers who was seeking re-election was soundly defeated.
Press release below:
Click HERE for the rest of this article...
Ed. note: VIB has received numerous requests to post the text of comments from Stephanie Gomes at the 1/7/14 Council Meeting, so here they are:
Remarks from a departing Vice-Mayor
The End of the Beginning
By Stephanie Gomes
Before I begin, let me thank first and foremost my family, for understanding my absences and single-minded preoccupation these past eight years. I’d like to dedicate my two terms to my mom, who passed away one year ago this month. She taught me to be a strong and independent woman and to stand up and fight injustice, to use my strong voice to speak for those who didn’t have a voice, or whose voices weren’t so strong. Mom was was at every election night party, every swearing-in, and if she could be, she would be here with me tonight to walk up that isle and out the chamber doors. I think she’d be dancing up that isle, actually, as she wanted me to be done with this work so badly. Well mom, I’m done!
Click HERE for the rest of this article...
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Results 1 - 11 of 1507 |
A recent ride on the Vallejo provided some amazing--and alarming--statistics about Ferry utilizat...
Why is it that Councilmembers are required to reside in the City, but City employees do not. Not...
Jeanne, who is angry? Im not angry. Just saying. Vallejo is so full of hate and mad people. Valle...
About roads serving as the place for memorializing dead law enforcement officers of various types...
I remember issues about Vallejo City Council members living elsewhere in past years but they were...