September 2013
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July 2013
Post your comment below and we'll put up your words...BUT...this is not an open forum for racist, nasty, personal, homophobic, or otherwise offensive comments that do not fall under the category of intelligent discourse.
True vile pointless nastiness will be deleted. We will try to be fair but remember--This is about promoting ideas not hatred.
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June 2013
Post your comment below and we'll put up your words...BUT...this is not an open forum for racist, nasty, personal, homophobic, or otherwise offensive comments that do not fall under the category of intelligent discourse.
True vile pointless nastiness will be deleted. We will try to be fair but remember--This is about promoting ideas not hatred.
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May 2013
Post your comment below and we'll put up your words...BUT...this is not an open forum for racist, nasty, personal, homophobic, or otherwise offensive comments that do not fall under the category of intelligent discourse.
True vile pointless nastiness will be deleted. We will try to be fair but remember--This is about promoting ideas not hatred.
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April 2013
Post your comment below and we'll put up your words...BUT...this is not an open forum for racist, nasty, personal, homophobic, or otherwise offensive comments that do not fall under the category of intelligent discourse.
True vile pointless nastiness will be deleted. We will try to be fair but remember--This is about promoting ideas not hatred.
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March 2013
Post your comment below and we'll put up your words...BUT...this is not an open forum for racist, nasty, personal, homophobic, or otherwise offensive comments that do not fall under the category of intelligent discourse.
True vile pointless nastiness will be deleted. We will try to be fair but remember--This is about promoting ideas not hatred.
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Daily Scream - February 2013
Daily Scream - January 2013
And while you consider who is the least qualified candidate, ponder this too:
There's not much being said about Ronald Johnson Jr.. From what I've heard he's doing a Grassroot...
The People of the State of California: Recall Dianne Feinstein as a US Senator -- During her term...
Gary retired or moved on to another agency. I liked Gary, he was a friendly guy and helpful too.
what happened to the city's Chief Building Official, Gary West? I noticed on the web site that th...