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shocked.jpg    City of Vallejo 2009 Wages


Here are the wages for all City of Vallejo employees for 2009.  "Overtime" and "Employment Separation Payouts" are broken into individual columns. Remember, these figures include overtime but not benefits.

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2009 Wages


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Wow   |August.23.2011

No wonder your city went broke. An officer/firefighter making 6+ figures?

I'm sure if you need more police officers, you can recruit them from other cities. They'll accept much less. You can replenish your police force for 1/2 the price!
vernon soul 18624cooper rd nev   |November.28.2010
i would like to apply for work on fleet to disassembly mothball fleet my name is vernon s soul mess no is 530 470-8910 please send jobs list with appt to. mail to 18624 cooper road nevada city calif,95959
postal   |November.13.2010
is there any reason there is a need to post the city employee's names? can't you get your point across by just posting their position and salary? just something to think about with 2010 coming to an end and your likliness to post 2010 salaries...these employees are entitled to their privacy.
When I grow up   |April.19.2010
When I grow up, I want to be a "Reservoir Keeper". Because it sounds like it would be easy and gawd knows it pays well. I don't mean to pick on Tim and Jake (I am sure they are nice guys) when there are so many police officers (you'd think Vallejo would be safer than it is), but both of these guys are making a higher base salary than the position description says is possible. $69,873 plus benefits is pretty good for a level 2.


This is the entry level class in the Reservoir Keeper series. This class is distinguished from the Reservoir Keeper II by
the performance of the more routine tasks and duties assigned to positions within the series including performing inspection duties and recording data in logs; operating equipment and power tools; performing preventive maintenance on equipment; maintaining grounds and premises; repairing road and fencing; responding to public inquiries and providing information as knowledge and experience grow and develop. Since this class is typically used as a training class, employees may have only limited related work experience.
Luke   |March.31.2010
Thanks for posting this. It's outrageous that a blue-collar workers and small entrepreneurs town like us, are paying these type of salaries to a few. It's amazing how with a GED so many can make $200,000!!
Anonymous   |February.10.2010
Officer Mustard in the Council Chambers with a Signed Contract.
Richard Gozeinya   |February.10.2010
Anonymous   |February.10.2010
Yah! Hey Outloud Whiner, if these are so stale (1/2 months old?!?!) what do YOU MAKE now? It couldn't be much less, if less at all!

The heat is still ON, don't like it? Get out of the kitchen.
Anonymous   |February.10.2010
How are the 2009 city employee wages released this week old news?
Hell yes I said that Outloud   |February.10.2010
When you can't come up with anything new, i.e., current wage levels, drag out the old stuff to stir the poop. Let's just ignore the fact that the past is the past and can't be changed, it makes a much better VIBERtini whine hour when you can marinate in the stagnated past. God, are you people deserve the Vallejo that is.
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