VIB Wants You!!
April 14, 2008
by Marc Garman
Got an idea for an article or feature? Fancy yourself an avant-garde and sophisticated columnist? Well!! What are you waiting for?
VIB wants to hear from you. We are now accepting submissions. You don’t even have to agree with anything else written on this site. As a matter of fact, we would love to hear from you if you have a unique or differing point of view. YES, REALLY.
Of course, you have to be able to put together an article that is readable, and in which the facts have been properly researched and verified.
Opinion is fine, but let’s remember, we are not just looking for overlong blog entries here. We are looking for thoughts, ideas and information that will inspire conversation on the Daily Scream and elsewhere.
VIB will correct spelling and punctuation where needed. Articles that require more extensive help or alteration will be emailed to the author for approval and/or discussion prior to publishing. We reserve the right to reject any article we feel is inappropriate.
VIB does not require you to publish your name. The pseudonym has been used as a means to invigorate discourse for centuries. Even Ben Franklin did it!!!
(We will need to know who you are though.)
And, you need not write about politics. Any topic relating to Vallejo will be considered.
If you have an idea you may want to pitch the concept to us first and write the article second.
Just email your submissions and ideas to:
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We want to hear from YOU!!!
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