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 leprechaun_gold.jpg2011 Wages for all City of Vallejo Employees

8/23/11 -- Yup. Here they are. And in spite of bankruptcy and the difficult economy, wages for a lot of Vallejo city employees are still pretty darn impressive! Good enough to make many a municipal leprechaun shout with glee...and it ain't even St. Patty's day!




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Retired_IBEW   |September.01.2012
teachers aren't paid by the City of Vallejo, they are paid by the school district
Mr :0   |August.29.2012
"how do you know that there are no teachers on the list?"

On the list there are no persons listed as teachers although there are a few listed as N/A. My understanding is that education is handled in a separate 'tax district'. My guess is there is probably a separate hospital district also. These districts were likely created during the Great Depression to get around caps on tax increases people tried to impose on local governments.

Taxpayers in Revolt by Beito is the source for my theory. And an interesting little book.
Anonymous   |August.27.2012
how do you know that there are no teachers on the list?
Mr :)   |August.27.2012
I noticed no teachers/school administrators on the list. Why is that?

Don't Vallejo's children deserve a Swedish educaiton? Outsource education to a Swedish company? Do it for the children!!!

Retired_IBEW   |August.26.2012
Oddly I am not on the list but I am a retiree and I received a small check post bankruptcy. I can't speak for anyone else, but in my case it was a reimbursement for a period of time when the City arbitrarily increased my contribution to my health insurance without getting the blessing of the BK court.
News from New Joisey   |August.26.2012
Gritty N.J. city of Camden to scrap police department amid budget woes

Read more:
Vallejo is #1   |August.26.2012
I forgot to add:

3. Our employees stay with us longer. because
a. They are loyal to the city.

b. Vallejo has better pay and better working environment,

c. They can not find another city that will hire them.
bill clinton   |August.26.2012
hows does this city survive when these blood suckers are taken 47 millions dollars away from the residents of Vallejo and leaving not even a pot to **** in?
Zoom in on VHA - Head Count   |August.26.2012
Running our city like running a business, we need to look at the cost and benefit.

What kind of service does VHA provide? How much resources we allocate for this service? Is this allocation the right proportion compared to other services needed by the city?

If the CM can not see this out of proportion, the city council needs to give clear indication on what the residents want.
Zoom in on VHA - Office   |August.26.2012
VHA Office

Why does VHA needs its own office building? It has 17 people on the payroll, Don't we have enough space in our city hall to accommodate 17?

We laid off more than 17 people in the past few years and we do not have space for them?

Their building is a good candidate for Re-development for commercial building.
GW   |August.26.2012
@ Zoom in on VHA

VHA is in the farming business, the need to tend to the plants like ants do the aphids, is hard work.
Code Enforcement is in the cleaning business, it is a necessary function, appreciated by some but not a priority for many.
Anon   |August.26.2012
Or is lying on their time cards.
Vallejo is # 1   |August.26.2012
I really also like to accumulate 2 years of unused vacation and sick time but keep on running into problems.

1. I wanted my kids to be born when I am off duty but they did not cooperate. My wife had labor of more than 20 hours and I did want to stay with her and the baby for a few days after the baby was born.

2. My relative's deaths were not planned. They died at an inconvenient time and inconvenient place. I have to fly out of town to attend funerals.

3. We went to different sibling's house for Thanksgiving dinner and some of them are far away.

4. We have to visit my parents and my
wife's parents on X'mas and new year and they are out of town.

5. My relative's weddings were not in town and I had to fly out.

6. My parents were in poor health at some point and could not wait for me till my off days to help them out.

7. My kids attend school out of town and the graduations were not on the weekends. I also helped them moving in and moving out when school started and ended.

8. I have to go to parent teacher conference for quite a few times and none of them happened on weekends.

9. I do not need vacation because my job is not very stressful but I still need to take the
kids and wife out during summer. I can not imaging not taking wife and kids on vacation in more than 2 years.

10. All my friends were taking cruise to Alaska and I had to go with them.

Anyone who can take care all these events 20-30 years in a row without taking sick time or vacation time deserve a big check.
Vallejo is #1   |August.25.2012
I understand this is a system wide practice but why ours is so much higher than other city?

1. Our employees are extremely healthy and never get sick.

2. Our employees are extremely dedicated and have no stress so they do not need to take vacation.

3. Our employees stay with us longer.

4. or we have funny book-keeping.

David Jackson's check is 30% more than the nearest second.

I am not blaming him s a person but we need to look at why we are #1 and by so much more.
GW   |August.25.2012
Keeping unused "sick and vacation" time until it computes to thousands of dollars is a negotiated perk agreed to by the unions and our very own city negotiation team. Consisting of????
To level the playing field, it is not only done in Vallejo, but state wide.

I would have been as happy as a piglet in a mudbath if a windfall like that would have been included in my past working years.

I can not fault the employee, because the city negotiation team, did not have to agree to it. But they did with an eye on their own seperation day!

This very same perk is of benefit to all
those working for the city and any future city employee negotiator will make sure it stays as is.
Zoom in on VHA   |August.25.2012

So who are the main players in Housing and Redevelopment Commission meeting? What do they try to do?

Who are the VHA Staff running the show there?
silasbarnabe   |August.25.2012
avatar Captain was right, looking at these untimely payouts and sky high compensation little to none of the $10 million tax hike will go to hiring new employees, it is just covering the employees we already have.
Outsourcing info:   |August.25.2012
1) Outsource police, fire, education, anything else to surrounding counties. Maybe even to places in different parts of the state, or even other states, or if you are a dreamer countries.

2) outsource the fire department.

3) G4S outsource police functions.

4) Successful Volunteer fire department and Auxiliary police already exist. An Auxiliary police organization able to go door to door to find witnesses would act as a deterrent to many criminals who count on the Vallejo police being small in number and having a strained relationship with the local residents.

Education companies like Kumon could replace much of the education system.
English 101   |August.25.2012
"Livin in the land of milk and honey where the rivers run with wine"
Excle File For You   |August.24.2012
I upload the excel file so more people can dice and slice the data. You can also plot pie chart or do other fancy graphics.

You or anyone are welcome to use any of the data if it helps to make you points.

I am currently out of town till at least Monday so am not sure about attending the CC meeting.

If you need any other excel analysis or charting for the meeting, let me know and I will try to do it for you and upload to share.
Vallejo is #1   |August.24.2012
I was reading "Eye-popping final checks full of sick, vacation time"

The reporter made a glaring mistake by naming some employee from another city as the winner of EYE-Popping Final check.

Our own David Jackson from Vallejo Police Department had a MUCH bigger check of $462,910 (which is $110k more than the falsely reported winner).

We should inform this reporter and reclaim our #1 position.

Let us show them who is #1.
Anonymous   |August.24.2012
@Excel FIle for You - Will you be bringing placard signs with those figures on them to August 28th Council meeting?
Anonymous   |August.24.2012
@Zoom in on VHA - SO, will you now start attending every single Housing and Redevelopment Commission meeting? VHA Staff runs the show there.
Zoom in on VHA   |August.24.2012
Why is the staffing level of VHA FIVE -SIX times that of code enforcement?

VHA works for subsidized housing population and code enforcement works for all city residents.

This is completely out of proportion for the service the respective group brings to the city.

No wonder we have endless push for more subsidized housing.

To keep all 16 people employed.
GW   |August.24.2012
@Separation Payouts?
He retired.
BadRobot   |August.24.2012
Valuable property being sold for a dollar, PSUers making hundreds of thousands. OMG, we are being ripped off! Give those salaries to new york cops and they would pee all over themselves. We are getting RIPPED OFF.
Anonymous   |August.24.2012
Awesome work Excel SkyDrive, thanks!
JMA   |August.24.2012
failed to ad my initials on the one below Q Q
Anonymous   |August.24.2012
some City employees deserve this compensation and some plainly just do not!! Wish Managers/Directors in each City Department and or Division really took a hard look at their existing employees to determined if they are meeating and or performing via core matrix's, measurements or other key performance indicatiors!
Excel FIle for You   |August.24.2012
I have put a copy of the 2011 Salary in excel format for you to play around.

just download and play to your heart's content.

What I found quickly is:

1. 6 people under city attorney's ($167k, $149k, $145k)

2. 3 people under Code enforcement. ($119k, $92k, $90k)

3. 16 people under economic development ($148k, $119k, $117k)

4. 31 people in Finance. ($149k, $124k, $117k)

5. 73 people under Fire Dep. ( $231k, $215k, $210k)

6. 149 people under Police ($462k, $317k, $233k)

7. 177 people under Public work ($214k, $179k, $163k)

8. 17 people under Vallejo Housing
($151k, $134k, $100k)
FYI   |August.24.2012
Almost all IBEW employees received a settlement check from the bankruptcy, and they have added the medical portion that they pay as part of the other column, that is why the other column is so high for so many.
Salty Dog   |August.24.2012
Much vested interest here. If I was a Vallejo City employee, I would be fighting hard to retrain this gravy train. Really hard.
Insider   |August.24.2012
The payouts to retirees are monies that were withheld during Bankruptcy--primarily accurred vacation and sick leave. Not sure if this is the total amount that is to will bepaid out by the City.
Anonymous   |August.24.2012
It's not CalPers. It's direct cash to only some (not all) retirees. What's it for? I could be wrong cause I haven't checked, but I don't remember seeing these payouts in Marc's previous years' wage listings.
Mousy   |August.24.2012
Anon, it's CalPers. But in reality we still pay as an adder (40+% of wages) to cover them and existing employees.
Firebug   |August.24.2012
avatar No wonder we can not afford to hire anymore police officers... Nice little trick they are pulling handing it out in paper, no wonder COV pay is not in the Contra Costa Times database.
Jay   |August.24.2012
By my count, there are 222 employees who received over $100,000 in total compensation in 2011. Wow.
Clarke Johnston   |August.24.2012
See where it all goes? Meter readers making $53K..? LOTS of well paid "Public Servants", (Police & Fire) indeed. Gack. No wonder our streets are riddled with potholes, there's nothing left after payroll....
Separation Payouts?   |August.24.2012
Why is David Jackson's separation payout $304,671? Gross wage $462,910.
Anonymous   |August.24.2012
Why is the city paying retires?
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