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Here is the unabridged version of the August 21, 2013 Vallejo School Board Meeting. The beginning of the footage on the VCUSD website is missing the beginning of the feed due to a small technical mistake.


Things have improved though. Meetings are now being streamed and archived for access on the official school district website:




Analysis of Vallejo Crime


& Police Services




8/25/13 -- Attached is my final letter to the City Council and other powers that be in Vallejo concerning crime and police services here.  It contains an analysis of the situation and a number of conclusions and has been reviewed by several people with some knowledge of the problem and history.  As you probably know, the letter was prompted by the disturbing increase in burglaries in my neighborhood in recent months and the inability of the police to respond.  The attached document, including a cover letter, is only 6 pages in length (the 3rd page, showing major points, is the most critical and the contents is shown below).  The full document, including source information and backup data, is available for download and printing at: Please contact me if you have problem with the website posting/download I’ll send you the entire report.  It’s pretty interesting stuff.


I am hoping that my efforts will result in some small change toward increased police presence and responsiveness in Vallejo.  I encourage others in Vallejo to call City Council members and other elected officials, write letters, and otherwise insist that public officials take immediate and effective action to improve police services in Vallejo. 



Russ Zellers



Read Russell's analysis as a PDF HERE




Note: All opinions expressed in the "Primal Scream" column are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the Vallejo Independent Bulletin



DO NOT Beware Greeks Bearing FOOD!!!

This year's annual Greek Festival is being held at Sts. Helen and Constantine Greek Orthodox Church -- 1224 Alhambra St. Vallejo-- Saturday and Sunday August 24 from 1 to 7 PM. Great food, music, etc. Not to be missed!!


Here are some video highlights form last weekend's Open House at the Vallejo Police Department.

Thanks again to the PD for having the event!


8/23/13 -- Today, Judge Allan Carter moved to return all property seized in raids by Vallejo Police, DEA and other agencies from Greenwell Medical Marijuana Collective. This includes all cannabis seized and items such as former collective owner Matt Shotwell's handgun.

Just outside the courtroom, Shotwell declined to comment specifically, but it seems likely that a civil action against the City of Vallejo for involvement in the raids is imminent.

Commentary from Shotwell's lawyer Omar Figueroa also included.



 Vallejo PD Open House


8/19/13 -- Here are some photo highlights from this past Saturday's Open House held by the Vallejo Police Department at the Amador St. Station.

It was a great chance for the police and community to interact, talk and get to know each other a bit outside of the usual circumstances where police are called.

Thanks to the Vallejo PD for hosting this and for the warm welcome extended to VIB. Some video highlights will be up shortly.

Photos by Angelo P.

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