Problems with Subsidized
Unleash the Schussel
Foreword by Marc Garman
ROEM Corporation is on a mission to buy Seabreeze Apartments in South Vallejo. They intend to convert the 184 unit apartment building into a 100% subsidized housing complex. The complex is currently a mix of market rate and subsidized units. There is concern that the conversion to 100% subsidized will create conditions similar to those in other complexes which have experienced problems with crime and violence. Those of us who live here have all seen the problems that can be created by poor planning and decisions around subsidized developments. VIB special correspondent Robert Schussel has been working tirelessly to research the pitfalls of ROEM's proposed plan and explore best practices and alternative ideas. He recently met with Dr. Stephan Betz Ph.D, Assistant Director of Health and Social Services for Solano County and Michael Lane, Policy Director, Non-Profit Housing. Both Lane and Betz were able to make suggestions to improve the way Vallejo handles these type of developments.
Below is a letter from Schussel to Craig Whittom, Vallejo Assistant City Manager and Guy Ricca, Senior Community Development Analyst that outlines the main suggestions. Sometimes it takes a little dogged relentless persistence from a citizen to get City Staff to take a look at new ideas. Or as we say around VIB headquarters when the City Hall bureaucracy gets too thick: “Unleash the Schussel!”
Click HERE for the rest of this article...
And now back to our regularly scheduled programming! |
It's been great...
A Word from the Editor
By Marc Garman
Today it is with a mix of sadness and anticipation that I am announcing what I believe will be a new chapter in my life. In the past almost six years, VIB has seen considerable growth in both reach and popularity due to the many contributors who have worked hard to research and write the sort of probing journalism we have become known for. During the years of Vallejo's bankruptcy much attention has come to focus on our city and this humble website. Many VIB articles have garnered attention from both national and international news sources. I personally have been interviewed by the NY Times, Washington Post, BBC(twice) and Manchester Guardian to name a few, and have appeared on television in the Netherlands (GDP Netherlands), Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Italy and Belgium as well as in coverage of Vallejo's financial issues by Reuters and Al Jazeera. VIB even gained a mention in the book Boomerang by noted author Michael Lewis.
Well, they used to say that everyone gets their fifteen minutes of fame. It would seem that I have gotten more than my share over the past few years. This was never the plan. It just sort of happened when the eyes of the nation and world focused on Vallejo as the first American city of any size to declare bankruptcy, and the first in recent memory to go through the process and emerge.
Click HERE for the rest of this article...
Miessner Set for Council Run
By Katy Miessner for City Council -- Press Release
Vallejo, CA – Katy Miessner, financial manager and community advocate, has officially announced her candidacy for Vallejo City Council.
In announcing her decision to run, Katy said “As a City Council member, I will endorse policies that encourage Vallejo’s ongoing citizen-driven recovery. I will advocate greater support for our neighborhoods—with citizen inclusion, transparency and fiscal responsibility. Like so many of our citizens, I’m passionate about Vallejo’s future and I want to continue to facilitate resident involvement in setting city-wide policies, because that’s critical to Vallejo’s resurgence.”
Katy has worked on many City of Vallejo issues and has more than 20 years of financial management, community program and service experience. As Budget Director of the San Francisco AIDS Foundation, Katy managed a $25 million budget. She also ran a very successful bid for Solano County Supervisor in 2012 and was only narrowly defeated in the Primary.
Click HERE for the rest of this article...
Temple Art Lofts & Activists
By Paula McConnell
It has been well documented that the citizens of Vallejo have often stepped up to curtail certain catastrophes facing the city. In the 1980’s a bevy of activists fought to maintain the Vallejo Ferry when the then sitting mayor stated he was against it. After much hard work, with a compromise agreement to ultimately name a ferry after himself, the mayor and his council capitulated to the activists. And then along came the idea of a Liquid Natural Gas Plant proposed to be placed on one of the most pristine points throughout the Bay Area (the southern most tip of Mare Island). Once again, several activists helped to beat that idea into oblivion.
Click HERE for the rest of this article...
Better Vallejo to hold Rally for Marriage Equality
Today 6 PM Vallejo Ferry Terminal
By Better Vallejo
Today the Supreme Court is hearing arguments in a case which will determine whether marriage equality will exist for the 18,000 couples who were previously married in California before Prop 8 and for all those same sex couple who wish to share their lives in marriage.
There is a rally at 6 PM in Fairfield today. But since a large number of people were not able to make it to Fairfield, and also felt that Vallejo, as the largest city in Solano County, deserved it's own show of support for Marriage Equality, we decided at the ninth hour to hold our own rally, to support the decisions being made in Washington DC as well. We are encouraging those who are planning to go to Fairfield to continue with their plans. If you are unable to go, please join us.
The rally will start at 6PM at the Ferry Terminal on Mare Island Way in Vallejo. There are many people who come through Vallejo on their way home to Napa and other cities who won't see those rallying in Fairfield. We believe we can make a visible statement about Marriage Equality and about our city by rallying as well. There are over 150 events in all 50 states. Vallejo deserves to be a part of this historic event as well. Please register as an attendee by joining the facebook event page. We will have signs but would really like people to bring their own signs, flags and whatever else as well. Wear Red to show your support. We hope you can join us or those in Fairfield today.
More info available here:
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Gary retired or moved on to another agency. I liked Gary, he was a friendly guy and helpful too.
what happened to the city's Chief Building Official, Gary West? I noticed on the web site that th...
re: "I thought the false prophet of biblical fame was Pope Benedict" Educate yourself: ht...
Historic political blunder executed today. EPA has driven a stake through the heart of the West V...
@ Reality Check.. I thought the false prophet of biblical fame was Pope Benedict...that last ...