8/1/13 Here is the special meeting of the Vallejo School Board during which the particularly scathing report on school safety by the Solano County Grand Jury was addressed.
Another meeting not previously available online.
Be advised that the quality is particularly craptastic. The footage was extracted from a DVD and was pretty lousy to start with. Important meeting though.
NerdWallet reported Vallejo, California the most diverse city in the United States of America based on data from the U.S. Census. The website reported growing diversity in America as a source of pride among residents. The survey based diversity claims on federal government race classifications -"As of June 2012, people of color constituted 36% of the workforce." However, diversity claims based on ignorance and bigotry are cause for concern about Americans' reasoning ability and not pride.
People that claim pride in race identity have surrendered self-image and individual autonomy for group image and subordination to a unified force external to them. Racial groups with a distinctive genetic set not shared by any others do not exist in nature. Anthropology and genetic science discredited assertions of inborn or learned racial-group culture or behavior.
7/29/13 -- Let's face it folks: Schools are a critical issue for our community and the success of Vallejo as a city.
Until recently it was damn difficult for a lot of working parents to keep up with the goings on at school board meetings. Meetings are held at 5 PM and the video -- until recently -- was only shown on VCAT public access tv at varied and indistinct times. A DVD copy cost $12.
But Now...Vallejo School Board meetings are available on YouTube for all interested parties to view.
The school board literally jumped at the opportunity to increase public transparency at zero cost with just a little nudge from VIB.
7/24/13 --Jodi Hernandez at NBC Bay Area 11 picked up the story about pollution in Lake Chabot from Six Flags. Hopefully they'll finally clean up the mess now. Great Having Six Flags in Vallejo, but they really do need to clean up their mess!! Thanks to Doug Darling and his persistence on this issue and Jodi for the great coverage. Let's clean it up.
And yes. You saw it first on VIB. (Always wanted to say that.)
Six Flags Discovery Kingdom Blamed for Litter, Debris at Bay Area Lake
You can view the story directly on NBC 11 at: http://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/Litter-Debris-at-Bay-Area-Lake-Tied-to-Six-Flags-Discovery-Kingdom-216848931
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