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Your City Council Report


 For April 23, 2013

Ganja, Grants and Bloody Noses




By Marc Garman

With editorial commentary in italics

Tuesday's meeting of the Vallejo City Council was presided over by Vice Mayor Gomes as Mayor Davis was absent.


Presentations and Commendations

Police Sergeant Kelly Schroeder, Corporal Brian Estudillo, Officer Mary Pedretti and Officer Ronald Braxton have retired from Vallejo PD. They were presented certificates of appreciation by Vice Mayor Gomes and wished a, “good, safe and enjoyable retirement,” by Councilmember Sampayan, himself retired from VPD.

April 26 , 2013 has been declared Arbor Day in Vallejo, May 2013 is Tourism Month, and May 2013 is now officially “Older Americans Month”

Two new COV employees: Dan Marks has been welcomed as Interim Economic Development** Director and Ron Pierce has been appointed Acting Fire Chief. Pierce has previously served in Santa Rosa and Santa Cruz.



Click HERE for the rest of this article...



From Planning to Action 

Interfaith workshop to be held 4/28/13 at First Presbyterian Church, 1350 Amador St. Vallejo 2:30-4:30 PM to "bless and activate for the founding of a new civic organization in Solano and Napa Counties." INFO HERE



4/25/13 -- Today the Vallejo Police were able to safely talk a man down from the Georgia St. Highway 80 freeway overpass. According to sources, the man was both distraught and heavily intoxicated. Police arrived on the scene some time before 1:20 PM and were able to successfully take the man into custody shortly after 2 PM.

Well done.




4/24/13 -- Vallejo PD nab suspected North Vallejo Little League shooter. Press release HERE




4/24/13 -- New Farmers' Market in Vallejo

 Omega Certified Farmers' Market    

Continentals of Omega Boys and Girls Club to hold Farmers' Market on Wednesdays at the Boys and Girls Club: 1 Positive Place -- Vallejo CA 94590 -- Starting TONIGHT 4/24/13 from 3-7 PM and every Wednesday through 10/30/13. INFO: contact Wendy Jones 707-643-1728 -- This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it              


Community Forum Fairgrounds Redevelopment Project (Solano360)
With more than $90 million in public funds at stake, a development agreement that commits up to 97% of sales tax revenue to the project, and major changes being made to the General Plan, this is a vital issue to Vallejo residents.
Come learn about financial, environmental and community impacts---and make your voice heard. Together we can make a difference.
When:  Thursday, April 25, 7--9 pm    Where:  Dance Unlimited, 510 Georgia St, Vallejo  
10 minutes, Welcome and Introduction, Doug Darling of Friends of Lake Chabot
20 minutes, Overview of Project Finances, Dan Levin
20 minutes, Environmental Issues, Anthony Adams
question and answer and discussion period to follow
Can't make it?  Please show up at Monday's Planning Commission Meeting
(4/29) at City Hall.  Bring a friend. Speak out or just be there to support
your friends and neighbors.




The Attitude Has to GO




By Jim Davis

 The council has extended the moratorium on cannabis dispensaries.  What does this mean in practical terms?  Not much, other than the inability of patients to get their cannabis and the loss of more revenue to the city.  The city’s fantasy about dispensaries disappearing into thin air is not likely to materialize.  The whole state voted to allow them.  The whole city voted to tax them.  Our recalcitrant leaders will have to accept those facts sooner or later.  Sooner would be better. 


Click HERE for the rest of this article...




Other Pay



More Surprises than a Walrus with a Fruit Cake


By Robert Schussel PhD.

April 22, 2013


The purpose of this analysis is provide a greater understanding of the "Other Wages" that the City of Vallejo employees received in calendar year 2012.


Recently, VIB received spreadsheets containing City of Vallejo 2012 W2 wages. As noted in my previous analysis of 2011 wages, "Other Wages" are a smorgasbord of items that range from Bankruptcy Settlement Payouts to Smog Differential Pay. See Glossary for a description of many of the "Other Wages".

To get a better idea of what comprises the $6,468,900 of "Other Wages" the City of Vallejo Finance Office supplied a spreadsheet that listed 51 categories and the total amount paid out for each category.


Click HERE for the rest of this article...

Rough Day for Vallejo PD

4/18/13 -- At approximately 5:30 PM today two police cruisers in high speed pursuit crashed into slower moving traffic they apparently were not able to avoid as they accelerated up the rise of the Springs Rd. highway 80 overpass towards Miller St..

One police cruiser ended up at the bottom of the embankment adjacent to the overpass on the Miller St. side.

It seems pretty clear both cars are totaled (electronics etc. likely salvageable).

Fortunately, there were no serious injuries. A total of five cars were involved in the incident.



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